There’s More to Hydration Than Just Quenching Your Thirst
Originally posted on "Linkedin: "There’s More to Hydration Than Just Quenching Your Thirst". Published on the 28nd June, 2021.

Hydration is essential to daily nutrition. It’s one of those things that seems obvious but we don’t think about much. The truth is, most of us never drink enough water - especially during the summer - and go through life without getting the hydration we really need. With summer temperatures expected to soar globally and our penchant for being outdoors now that the pandemic is over, it’s time to rethink your daily intake of water, and make sure you are drinking the right water.
First, a few facts:
- Body water is the primary building block for cells that regulate internal body temperature, strengthen muscles and moisturize the skin.
- Even a 1.5% loss of water can trigger dehydration, leading to changes in mood, decreased energy and mental clarity.
- The human body consists of at least 60% water. To be even more specific, according to H.H. Mitchell and the Journal of Biological Chemistry, here is the water composition by organs
- Brain & Heart composed of 73% water
- Lungs composed of 83% water
- Skin contains 64% water
- Muscles & Kidneys composed of 79% water
- Bones comprise 31% water!
To Hydrate, First Understand ‘What Is Dehydration?’
When you are considering how best to stay hydrated, it is first important to understand what dehydration really is. Feeling thirst is one clear sign, but it’s possible to be dehydrated without experiencing thirst. A better indication is to keep an eye on the colour of your urine (yes, I am going there). If you’re drinking enough water, your pee should be pale yellow. Any other color and it’s time to start sipping!
Feeling tired and dizzy are other common signs and both indicate the importance of hydration. If you are dehydrated, drinking water is your best bet. But drinking the right water is even more important.
Dr. Philip Goglia, founder of Performance Fitness Concepts, knows a thing or two about hydration, and reminds us that our bodies are very smart and let us know when we are in need of hydration. But it is incumbent upon us to make the right choices on a regular basis to ensure our bodies are always well-hydrated and well-nourished.
The Right Water is the Key to Ultimate Hydration
My family collaborated with scientists and water experts to establish an “8 core parameter octagon” that defines the best drinking water. To learn in detail about each parameter click here, but as a topline, here is what scientists and experts deem to be the elements that comprise the best water for hydration and overall health:
- Low Exit Temperature (from our wells, 41०F (5.6०C)
- High Natural Alkalinity (pH 8.3)
- Low Sodium Levels (just 0.15 mg/l)
- High in Dissolved Oxygen (10 mg/l)
- Low Total Organic Carbon (0.09 mg/l)
- Minimal Nitrate Levels (average 1.83 mg/l)
- Moderate Total Dissolved Solids (84 mg/l)
- 2:1 Calcium to Magnesium Ratio (2:1 ratio)
In order for off-the-shelf water companies to achieve the factors listed above that are scientifically-noted to achieve proper hydration and total body balance, they have to add, subtract and substitute elements and minerals to try and get close to the perfect paradigm. Hallstein Water provides a sustainable, healthy product for optimal hydration and health unfiltered, untreated and uncompromised. In fact, Hallstein has received full recognition of natural mineral water status by the Mineral Water and Spring Water Ordinance*, the sole governing body of Austria to certify such status. This means that Hallstein has achieved water that is of original purity, has its origin in an underground water source protected from any contamination and is obtained from one source with the same characteristics.
Just as important as the quality of the drinking water is the sustainability of the bottling and packaging of your water. After all, you wouldn’t want to taint uncompromised water with plastics or other endocrine-disruptors which can cause abnormal hormone function and a slew of dangerous health issues, would you? Hallstein water is delivered in Tritan BPA-free bottles that have been certified to be completely free of any plastics or microplastics**.
So the next time you are feeling light-headed, thirsty or just plain drained, instead of reaching for a sugary energy drink your choice to hydrate should be WATER! Oh, and enjoy your summer!
* Source: Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health Care and Consumer Protection
**Source: EMSL Analytical, Inc.